All you need to know about blockchain and bitcoin to get started

Get ready to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of cryptocurrency with our Blockchain and Bitcoin Intensive course. This course is tailor-made for individuals like you who are eager to gain a comprehensive understanding of blockchain and its applications in the rapidly expanding cryptocurrency industry. By the end of this course, you will have a crystal-clear comprehension of Bitcoin mining and how various cryptocurrencies function. Now is the ideal time to equip yourself with the essential knowledge for a thriving career in Blockchain Development, as the global movement towards embracing cryptocurrency is gaining momentum. But wait, there's more! Our course goes beyond theory and explores real-world use cases, enabling you to bridge the gap between concepts and practical applications. You will delve into groundbreaking ideas such as the DAO, which have the potential to revolutionize the world as we know it. 

Whether you are seeking to switch careers or enhance your current one, this course will pave the way for your transition into the exhilarating cryptocurrency space. Already have a specific interest? We offer a wide range of blockchain and cryptocurrency courses and certificates, allowing you to specialize further in your chosen path. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive deep into the world of cryptocurrency and unlock a world of possibilities.


Questions you’ll find the answers of:

•    How does bitcoin work?
•    What are the differences between Bitcoin and fiat currencies?
•    What is bitcoin mining and halving?
•    What are the differences between Bitcoin and Altcoins (alternative cryptocurrencies)?
•    How blockchain and cryptocurrency will change our business?

Program Objectives

All trainees who successfully complete this course will be able to:
•    Discover the beginnings of blockchain and learn about how this technology is set to revolutionize various sectors of industry;
•    Identify Bitcoin and Ethereum as the first movers in the Blockchain technology field;
•    Understand and explain the emerging concept of DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations);
•    Investigate digital currencies and online payments;
•    Completion Certificate for Blockchain & Bitcoin Intensive Course – 6 Hours;
•    25% of the exam will cover competencies for Web3 Foundations Level 1 Certification;
•    Issued by the Web3 Certification Board (W3CB);
•    Showcase your digital badge to potential employers, customers, investors, and colleagues.



No prior blockchain or computer programming experience required.


Target Audience

Anyone interested in learning more about cryptocurrency.


•    Bitcoin and Cryptography Introduction
•    Bitcoin Software & Hardware

•    Technical Bitcoin Limitations
•    Bitcoin & The Lightning Network
•    Bitcoin Scripting & Mining

•    Bitcoin Mining 
•    Technical Bitcoin Limitations (Part 2)

•    Blockchain V1 to Blockchain V2
•    Ethereum Clients, EVM & Solidity
•    Ether, Gas & Consensus Algorithms
•    BigChainDb, Tendermint & Hyperledger

•    Blockchain As the New Database

•    Payments, Remittances & Identity
•    Voting, Trade Finance & Land
•    Blockchain & Ethereum Use Cases

•    Preparing Your Firm for Blockchain
•    Evaluating Blockchain
•    The DAO & Blockchain Adoption