A new partnership between Swiss Education Group and CRS Consulting


On August 12, 2023, an exciting partnership was forged between Swiss Education Academy (SEA) and CRS Consulting (CRSC): two organizations with a shared mission to support and promote vocational training and education in an era where education combined with real-world experience has become more important than ever for young graduates.


CRSC works with high schools and students aged 16-19 to advise on and implement vocational training programs. They assist schools in every step of implementing a Careers Program–from the initial planning and application process to the creation and implementation of a vocational program, International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP), or BTEC setup. The career programs can be customized to the area in which a school would like to specialize: Business, Hospitality, Sports, Fashion design, or something completely different. CRCS can build a vocational education program tailored to the school's needs and prepare the school for a broader range of options in the future. CRSC also arranges partnerships with selected universities and tertiary schools that can act as an awarding body and/or as post-secondary education for students. CRSC is also available to advise and guide students searching for an appropriate career path, school, or vocational training institute. They can tailor a Career Related Study (CRS) aimed toward a vocational education that schools, students, and parents will find attractive as a future educational and career pathway. Offering high schools a university or tertiary educational partner benefits all parties. A school implementing a new Career-related Program will garner greater support in the community if its graduates are put on a fully paved career path that includes a reputable school such as those of SEA.


As Mr. Jonas Winblad, Managing Director of CRS Consulting, shares,
"CRSC is proud to have SEA as a premium partner. SEA's commitment to the IBCP and purposeful vocational education is second to none. Over the last five years, they have been actively involved in providing great opportunities and inspiration to IBCP students and are seen as pioneers in the field.
I am convinced that SEA partnering with CRSC will strengthen SEA's position in the world of the IBCP. The increasing demand for career-related studies focused on hospitality and business within the IBCP makes partnering with the SEA's top-ranked schools ideal for our prestigious international high school clients."
Selecting a career path is a very overwhelming concept for a 16-year-old student. Most often, a student that age not only does not know what they want to do as a career, they usually do not know how vast the choices are. Ultimately, the partnership with CRSC will aid in bridging that informational gap for young students and build enthusiasm for their future.
Tarsila Fercher Geis, Executive Director of Partnerships and Development at Swiss Education Group, sums up this objective well in her statement about the partnership,
"SEA is very enthusiastic about this partnership. Our goal is to elevate the visibility and positioning of hospitality and culinary education as a career option for the new generations. Hospitality subjects support the development of power skills, which today are more relevant and transferrable than ever across industries around the globe.
A partnership of this nature enables us to identify, inspire, and guide talent at an earlier stage. As educators, we also fulfill our commitment to prepare future talent and develop the upcoming leaders of one of the most dynamic industries."
In contrast to high school students who are not yet aware of career options, SEA graduates are well aware of the plethora of opportunities that lie before them. All SEA schools offer a university degree with a vocational emphasis in hospitality—a perfect blend for students seeking higher education and high employability upon graduation. Students and graduates of SEA schools are launched into a booming industry that is expanding exponentially with unexpected new career paths outside of the stereotypical hospitality professions and hotel jobs.

Essentially born from the hospitality industry, the emergence of luxury lifestyle economy has redefined the role of hospitality in the career sector. As a result, new and modern career options that are very attractive to young graduates now exist, such as:

Luxury Lifestyle Brand Manager: This role involves curating unique guest experiences and ensuring the brand's image aligns with the evolving desires of today's clientele.
Experience Designer: These professionals craft immersive and memorable client encounters, like designing pop-up events or wellness retreats.
Sustainable Tourism Consultant: As sustainability becomes paramount in the hospitality industry, graduates, particularly from César Ritz Colleges, can work as consultants, helping hotels and resorts adopt eco-friendly practices, promote responsible tourism, and obtain certifications like LEED or Green Globe.
Digital Marketing Strategist: In today's digital age, this role is in demand in all sectors.  Luxury, lifestyle, and experience-focused businesses are promoted through social media, influencer partnerships, and content marketing.
Data Analyst for Personalized Experiences: The data-driven approach is increasingly crucial in the new economy. Graduates with strong analytical skills can work as data analysts, using client data to personalize experiences, enhance guest satisfaction, and boost loyalty.
Wellness and Spa Director: With the lifestyle economy's emphasis on well-being, wellness and spa management careers are thriving. Corporate wellness programs and holistic spa experiences are examples of new trends in hospitality.

Event Coordinator: The luxury lifestyle economy offers opportunities to organize corporate or bespoke events such as destination weddings, exclusive parties, and corporate retreats. Graduates can specialize in creating unforgettable moments.
These are just a few examples of the new roles that reflect the shifting demands of today's discerning clients. These careers, in addition to the more traditional hospitality roles, are all available to SEA graduates, and 97% of SEA students already have a job waiting for them upon graduation.   

SEA graduates get hired because they stand out in the job market for two primary reasons. First, the reputation of SEA schools precedes them. All SEA schools are in the global top ten in QS rankings. Second, SEA graduates are unique due to the real-world experience underpinning their education via internships. Interestingly, it has been noted that incoming students from the IBCP equally stand out among the new intakes as the vocational emphasis they have already received in high school offers a real-world experiential maturity that theoretical studies alone don't provide.

HIM, an SEA school offering a Bachelor of Business Administration, is very familiar with the IBCP, having already had many students and graduates who enrolled at HIM after completing the IBCP. IBCP students are drawn to HIM because they have already done a career program, and the business degree with specialization options is particularly attractive because it offers a perfect complement to their previous studies. The program gives them a traditional degree in business administration, two internships to gain real-world experience, and specialization options which focus on Luxury Brand Management or Financial Analysis and Wealth Management. Combining this educational triad with their previous IBCP studies in hospitality makes them exceptionally well-rounded graduates and highly employable in any business environment, not limited to hospitality jobs. However, they are particularly attractive to today's emerging luxury lifestyle business markets.

Each SEA school has a particular emphasis, and the IBCP translates well to all of them. Therefore, it is clear why both SEA and CRSC are so enthusiastic about this partnership. A student who graduates with the IBCP and a degree from an SEA school will be set up for a successful career. This partnership will enable both organizations to educate more students about the exciting careers in hospitality and prepare them to succeed in their chosen careers.